Wednesday, April 28, 2010

humanity is so subjective .

Men spend most of their days praying for miracles & yet they bypass themselves everyday .

How many times do we actually sit down and contemplate on the very existence of humanity ?

How often do we take it upon ourselves to reflect , if at all , meditate on our misdoings and repent before the Creator himself ?

I don’t know about you , but I’ve often pondered upon the mundanity of life itself .
Could each second that choose to pass by possibly hold something more ? Or in another planet in the unbeknownst universe , could something as miraculous as life itself occur in reflection to our solitary actions here in this planet ?

So many questions envelope me as I mull over these questions , each time . One of the favourite things I like to do when I’m close to nature is to stare into the horizon , be it from the beach , or from the top of a hill – and just think about what lies beyond everything ; beyond life .


n. pl. hu·man·i·ties

1. Humans considered as a group; the human race.

2. The condition or quality of being human.

3. The quality of being humane; benevolence.

4. A humane characteristic, attribute, or act.

Often humanity itself is taken for granted at the routinal shuffle of everyday lives . As long as the schedule doesn’t stray too far from its course , we are comfortable , even when we are at loss – do we often take time , if ever , to allow our mind and hearts to wander to the fates of those less fortunate ? To observe each intimate detail of creation , to savour it & allow each emotion to just consume us ?

Do we stop and take in each kind gesture ; each person that leaves a footprint in our hearts ? Or do we become too comfortable with their presence that we only grieve when it is lost ?

Often we underestimate our ability to Love & to feel . If the greatest of all things is Love , isn’t humankind bestowed the greatest honour and power already ?

Is it logical that men often wander around the earth , pay through their noses , even beg - searching for a way to acquire an ability of sorts , but does not use the one ability we were born with ; the most powerful ability of all ?

We cannot make lives eternal . But we are given the chance ; the ability to impact a life eternally – to change the course of the world forever .

Will you step out of your comfort zone and help shoulder the woes of the world ?

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