Monday, May 17, 2010

Yes , i Do .

Yes , I do realize this is my second post an HOUR after I declared my hiatus . :D

But I do think that it is time I stop allowing life to go on by ; staring blankly into space and wishing how things could be different .
Pondering upon why an obsolete decision of another could rip my heart so .

Instead of wishing , why am I not DOING ?

Sometimes life is EXACTLY what we perceive it to be . If one is not happy with it - why can't we act upon it ?

Mourning over how things could be different couldn't be any better than trying to make a change in your surreptitiously seemingly decided fate .

random things to contemplate on :

" and all these three remain : faith , hope & love . but the greatest of these is love "
1 Corinthians 13:13

if charity is translated into the word love , does it equate love to charity ?
Is charity an action that is spurned out of love , or is the act itself love ?

Sorry , I'm talking gibberish . I'm turning into some depressed old woman =O

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